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Sorting our way through the Sustainability Festival | 2024



1 min read

Sorting our way through the Sustainability Festival | 2024

Corrie, our resident #EverydayEnvironmentalist, pitched in to educate the community.

Have you ever been to a Sustainability Festival?

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Our Enviro NZ #EverydayEnvironmentalist, Corrie has!

Held at the South Canterbury Eco Centre in Timaru in November, the Sustainable South Canterbury Trust hosted workshops, a Quiz night and a Fair day over the weekend.

Corrie got involved and was part of the committee organising the 2024 Festival.

On the Fair day our Enviro NZ educator, Corrie, joined many other stall holders with her waste minimisation information stall.

handed out resources for anyone wanting to know more about what goes in your bins. Super helpful!

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Corrie also ran a fun speed sorting game. Kids were so fast, and it was encouraging to see them know what goes where and then calling and challenging their parents to join!

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Normally, Corrie & Briony are waste minimisation educators and advisors for Enviro NZ, they also support the Eco Centre activities with any educational group visits.

We are lucky to have them at events like these to share more ways we can all make a difference to take care of our environment.

Lastly, a HUGE shout out to Alice Brice, the Eco Centre Activator, and the Sustainable South Canterbury Trust for a fantastic event.

We hope to participate again!

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#EnviroNZ in the #Environment