We’re proud to partner with local councils across the country, supporting their community waste minimisation and sustainability goals.
From standalone services to integrated resource recovery and waste management operations, our solutions are designed to help councils meet their needs for a cleaner, greener environment.
What we offer
Kerbside collections
Our residential kerbside collections cater to a range of streams, including general waste, mixed recyclables, and organic material.
Bespoke collection apps
Used by over 100,000 households across New Zealand, our kerbside collections apps help make sure that residents never miss a collection, and provides users with handy service alerts, recycling guides and the ability to report issues.
Infrastructure management
We can support your community’s recycling needs through our own network of facilities across the country, or by managing and operating your infrastructure for you.
Education programmes
Our education outreach promotes sustainability and waste minimisation in the community. We also offer schools the opportunity to visit our facilities and learn about the impacts of throwaway habits and the benefits of a circular economy.
Detailed reporting and audits
We partner with you to deliver in-depth waste audits that take you on a data-driven waste minimisation journey.
Celebrating success
As one of the country’s preferred resource recover partners, we currently partner with 23 local councils. Together, we’re reducing waste. Recent partnership highlights include:

Tauranga City Council started working with Enviro NZ in 2021. Within a year it had nearly halved the amount of household waste going to landfill

Hamilton City Council set a new record for keeping waste from landfill in September 2022. In one month, 580 tonnes of green waste were diverted from landfill and 300 tonnes of wood were recovered

Expanding our Bombay Resource Recovery Centre to include a dedicated wood recovery facility to reduce the amount of organic waste in landfill.