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Dunedin residential wheelie bin service update



1 min read

Dunedin residential wheelie bin service update

As well as being Dunedin City Council's (DDC) kerbside service contractor, Enviro NZ provides residential wheelie bin services to paying customers citywide.

Wheelie bins will replace DCC rubbish bags from 1 July 2024 as part of the Council's upgraded kerbside waste service.

It's expected many people will find the Council's new fortnightly 140L rubbish collections sufficient, while others will look to commercial services like ours for an extra hand with their household waste.

This means the needs of our customers in Dunedin will change and we’ll be here to help. If you'd like to discuss your service options, our customer care team are here to help. You can call us on 0800 240 120.

For more information on DCC's new improved rubbish collection from mid-2024, click here.