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DCC residential wheelie bin service update



1 min read

DCC residential wheelie bin service update

With Council-provided wheelie bins for rubbish coming soon to Dunedin, we will be scaling back our user pays residential services.

This means that for most of our private bin customers, the wheelie bin service Enviro NZ provides will end when the new Council service begins.

We’ll be in touch directly with our customers to provide more detail about service impacts in the lead up to these changes. 

Most people will find the council's new improved kerbside recycling and waste services will do the job – and we’re excited to be part of this new era as the council’s partner. For more information on DCC's kerbside service, click here.

If you'd like to discuss your service options, our customer care team are here to help. You can call us on 0800 240 120 or email

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